The monitoring activities of NHRDF will be conducted by the following manner. It is notable that the monitoring tools, format, monitoring process will be updated as per situation demand with the proper concern of NHRDF Authority.
Physical Monitoring
- On-Training Inspection (By Prescribed format of NHRDF)
- Training related all Documents, Register, Ledger (Program & Financial) Inspection
Virtual Monitoring/Monitoring from the Workstation
- Taking progress report (Monthly/Quarterly/Yearly) of training on NHRDF prescribed format Via email.
- Taking training related different report/documents (Prescribed format of NHRDF) as required of NHRDF via email.
- Communicate with administration of TIs over Phone/Via email.
- Communicate with trainer over Phone/Via email
- Communicate with beneficiaries/Trainees over Phone/Via email
- IP Camera based Training Monitoring
- Complaint Cell- Complaints from the Beneficiaries of the Training
Online Monitoring System/Trainee Management Systems
NHRDF will develop an online system that will be the repository of all the project-related documents i.e. project proposals, details of trainees, monitoring reports (qualitative and quantitative) etc. It will be a continuous process to track the project progress against the annual plan. In case of any observed alteration/irregularities, the message will be shared with the relevant stakeholders. The database will be an overarching and one-stop portal for nationwide TVET-related information; where all the fund recipients will get access for uploading their data.
Evaluation & Tracer Study
Dr. Md. Khairuzzaman Mozumder
Md. Kamal Hossain
Managing Director & CEO