Mesbahuddin Ahmed
Mesbahuddin Ahmed is a senior trade union activist in Bangladesh. At present, he is President of Jatiyo Sramik Jote and a member of the National Coordination Committee for Workers Education (NCCWE). He is also active on human rights and environmental issues. He writes columns on socio-political issues, as well as on human rights and the environment in national dailies and blogs. He was the editor of Weekly Samikshan, a national weekly and the author of several books.
He started his trade union activity in 1969. It was the pre-liberation period of Bangladesh. At that time, there took place one people’s upsurge against Pakistani Military rulers, for democracy and autonomy of the then East Pakistan. He was persecuted and imprisoned for his trade union activities. He started TU activities at Postogola industrial area, in downtown of Dhaka. He was one of the founders of Jatiyo Sramik League which was formed in 1969, and he was elected one of the secretaries, in charge of office and craft federations.
He joined the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971. He was active to mobilize and train workers for joining the liberation war. He took part in the campaign and mobilized the support of the liberation struggle among TU organizations in India and abroad also. After the liberation and split of JSL, and the formation of the new trade union centre, Jatiyo Sramik Jote, he became Joint General Secretary of this Jatiyo Sramik Jote. And he took initiative to form an alliance of 5 trade union centres which fought for independent trade union activities and against grabbing trade unions from the ruling political party. He was in prison from 1974 to 1978. After release from jail, he was one of the initiators in forming 11 federation alliance and later in 1984 Sramik Karmocahary Oikkyo Parisha, popularly known as SKOP (Worker-Employees Alliance) was formed. He became President of Jatiyo Sramik Jote in 1994.
He was a member of the Labour Law Commission which drafted the Labour Law of 2006 and 2013. He was also a member of the Labour Court. He is an adviser at Bangladesh Labour Institute (BILS).